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Hitachi in Singapore

Hitachi Elevator Asia Privacy Terms and Conditions Updated: March 2021

In this policy, "we", "us", "our" or "HEA" means Hitachi Elevator Asia Pte. Ltd. "You", "your" or "yours" means the persons to whom this policy applies. We are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. We process your personal data in accordance with the Singapore Personal Data Privacy Act. This privacy policy describes how we may collect, use, disclose, process and manage your personal data.

1. What Personal Data We Collect

"Personal Data" is defined as data about an individual who can be identified from the data.

Some examples of data which we collect are:

  1. personal particulars (e.g. name, contact details, identity card/passport details, and/or educational details);
  2. images and biometrics such as thumbprints, voice recordings of you;
  3. other electronic data or information relating to you such as IP addresses, cookies and location data through your usage of our products and services or as part of their delivery to you.

2. How We Use Your Personal Data

We may use your personal data for our core business purposes, such as:

  1. communicating with you with regard to any business transactions we may have with you;
  2. delivery of after-sales service on products;
  3. responding to queries or feedback;
  4. addressing or investigating any complaints, claims or disputes
  5. complying with all applicable laws, regulations, directives, orders, instructions, guidance and requests from any local or foreign authorities, including regulatory, governmental and law enforcement authorities or other authorities.

In addition to the above purposes, we may also use personal data for purposes related to Human Resource (e.g. employment) and other purposes (e.g. events, company premises entry, etc.) which will be informed to you upon the collection of your personal data.

3. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data

We may from time to time and in compliance with all applicable laws on data privacy, disclose your personal data to any personnel of Hitachi or to third parties, whether located in Singapore or elsewhere, in order to carry out the purposes set out above or otherwise stated at the time of collection.

For more information about whom we share your personal data with, you may contact us for more information (please see the “Contact Us” section below).

4. Cookies and web beacons

The Company may use cookies and web beacons (also known as clear GIFs) to enhance your experience of our website. Cookies are pieces of information that we place on your computer to help us accurately understand how many consumers are visiting the site, how often they visit, and what content they are most interested in. Cookies and clear GIFs let the Company know how many people are coming to the site, how frequently, and how they are using the site, allowing us to make updates to content and improve navigation as appropriate.

You may refuse to accept cookies and web beacons by changing the settings of your web browser. However, do note that your usage of our website may be affected if you disable cookies and web beacons.

5. Retention of Personal Data

Your personal data is retained as long as the purpose for which it was collected remains and until it is no longer necessary for any legal or business purposes.


You may at any time:

  1. Request access to your personal data and how it has been used/disclosed within the last year; or
  2. Request for correction of your personal data.

Please note that we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover the costs of responding to your data access request.

Please contact is for details on how you may request access and/or correct your personal data (please see the “Contact Us” section below).

7. Contact Us

If you have other questions about this website or how we collect, use and disclose your personal data, including how you can make access and correction requests, please contact us using the following ways:

Enquiry Form:
Contact Number: +65 64161711

8. Updates of Hitachi Elevator Asia’s Privacy Policy

The Policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes and/or developments in data protection laws, regulations, guidelines, codes and industry practices and other applicable law. Revisions to the Policy will be published on Hitachi Elevator Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore website.